Top 5 Books

  • Book 1

    Outliers: The Story Success

    By Malcolm Gladwell

    Exploring what it means to be successful in a world that rewards hard work and luck.

  • Book 2

    Computer Networks: A Systems Approach

    By Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie

    This book is highly required foundational knowledge and examples about networking.

  • Book 3

    The Power of Habit

    By Charles Duhigg

    This book is one of those that you read and end up citing it hundreds of times a week in conversation.

  • Book 4

    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

    By Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman

    Best foundation you can get in programming. Scheme is old, and kinda obtuse, but it helped someone who

  • There's a reason everyone you meet recommends you this book.

All Books (by subject)

Outliers: The Story Success

Exploring what it means to be successful in a world that rewards hard work and luck.